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How do I share Podcasts and Job Pages with my team via Slack?
How do I share Podcasts and Job Pages with my team via Slack?
Tali Rapaport avatar
Written by Tali Rapaport
Updated over a week ago
  1. With our slack app, you can encourage your team to share directly to social media.

  2. Click on the far right side of the person whose Podcast you would like to share to slack

3. Press “Share to slack”

4. From here you can select either Podcast or Job Page to share, which people will receive the DM, and what the actual message will look like.

5. Click Share to Slack

6. The message your team will receive will look like this:

7. Your teammate will now have the ability to select a channel to share with, and post to the channel.

8. The shared message will look like this:

9. Now other teammates can directly share with their social networks by clicking the "Share with your network" button.

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